Pet Safe Plants
A common question we hear often at Nick’s is, “What houseplants are safe for my dog/cat?”
We want to help you find some options that might work for you and your furry friend! We always encourage pet parents to research what is best and most safe for their own individual pets by checking with their veterinarians. A great resource for pet-to-plant safety checking can be found on the ASPCA website here.
One plant with which we will immediately remind pet owners to use caution is asiatic lilies. The pollen produced by these flowers is very toxic. While many animals instinctively stay away from plants that might cause them harm, it’s very easy for a pet to brush up against these pollen nodules, and then ingest the pollen while cleaning their fur. Simply clip these little pollen tips off (take care – they go everywhere and they stain!) and toss them safely in the garbage.
Now… onto the houseplants!
Large Hanging Plants
The Boston Ferns make a great showing. A moisture-loving plant, you’ll want to keep this plant well-moisturized (think spritzing with water regularly or keeping a humidifier nearby the plant). Many other ferns are highly toxic, but the Boston Fern is considered to be safe for pets. For an added bonus, the Boston Fern is an air-purifier.
Small Tabletop Plants
The African Violet is a small but striking flowering plant with green and fuzzy leaves, this plant has been around for a while and is making a comeback. African Violets are available with blooms in shades of pinks, blues, and purples.
Full Sun Plants
Many peperomia plants are safe for cats and dogs. With their trademark waxy and rounded foliage they are a favorite among plant collectors. A lover of bright sunlight, this popular plant is safe for your furry friends if they decide to have a little nibble.
Floor Plants
The Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans) can grow to be up to 6 feet tall. While it likes bright light, it will tolerate more shady areas of your home. No promises your cat won’t try to climb it, though!
Tabletop Pizzaz
For an easy-to-care-for plant that will make a big showing on a table, bookcase, or plant stand, try a Spider Plant. They will tolerate many different conditions, and will even stand for a little neglect if you’re new to being a plant parent. It’s also air-purifying!
Striking Floral Display
Moth Orchids are a great option for the houseplant enthusiast with pets to look out for. Moth Orchids are available in several different colors, and you can really have fun with how you display your orchids.
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