
Low Sunlight

Houseplants 101: Best Low Light Plants

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Houseplants. We love them. We need them. We want them all.

As houseplant care and collection continues to grow as a hobby, Nick’s wants to help you navigate the waters of houseplant care and selection! This blog series will help answer your questions and introduce you to various popular houseplant types, as well as help you learn how to care for them.

One of the most common questions Nick’s receives about house plants is, “Which houseplants are good in low light situations?” The answer is: lots of them! In this post we’ll talk about some houseplants that will do well in low light situations. If your favorite houseplant requires more light than you have available in your home, remember that sun lamps might be a good option. Nick’s carries sun lamps and can help you find the right product for you. 

10 Best Low Light Houseplants

ZZ Plant

This popular house plant has stunning foliage arranged in a very symmetrical form. The leaves are a bright dark green, and have a shiny finish. They require very little care, so they make a great starter plant for those looking to begin their houseplant collection.


These plants are one of the most sought-after plants right now. They come in many different colors and shapes. A member of the peppercorn family, Peperomia prefer indirect light due to the fact that in their natural habitat they can be found on the forest floor. Peperomia are air-cleaning plants that like humidity, so place them near a humidifier or in the bathroom. 

Golden Pothos

One of the easiest plants to care for. Even when neglected for a short time, they bounce back quickly. This vining plant with heart-shaped and variegated leaves is also an air-cleaner. As it requires low light, it would do well in nearly any area of your home. 

Nerve Plant

These little guys are a great option if you’re looking for some color.This plant is native to tropical climates, so it will do best in a place where it will receive some humidity, as well. (Tip: Is your house cooled by an evaporative cooler? Place this plant in the room where the evaporative cooler originates, making sure to place it far enough away from the cooler that the plant doesn’t get over-cooled.)


Begonia is available in many different colors, shapes, and forms as well. It makes a great hanging plant, and does well on a covered or shaded patio in the summer. Tuberous Begonia (Begonia X tuberosa) flowers are edible and have a flavor much like a sour citrus candy! (Always research your particular variety of plant and make sure no pesticides have been used on the plant before ingesting.)

Snake Plant

Snake plant is just about bulletproof. Like the ZZ Plant, it’s a great starter houseplant. With thick leaves that grow tall and straight and have light greens and yellows running through them, this plant makes a great floor plant, and will do well in corners with no or low light. As a bonus, Snake Plant is another plant that helps to clean the air in your home.


This vining plant, also known as Spiderwort, is available in many different varieties. The most common variety is Tradescantia zebrina – a dark mixed with light green and vibrant dark purple plant with shiny leaves. Tradescantia are typically very easy to grow and require little light. For a fuzzy option, try “Speedy Jenny,” Tradescantia chrysophylla. Spiderwort is a hardy plant that can survive some neglect. Like the Pothos, it may brown and dry up in places, but it typically bounces back well if a few waterings are missed.


If you’re looking for something tall and low-maintenance, Dracaena is your plant. Incredibly tough, Dracaena Massangeana can survive neglect and bounce back from a few brown leaves like a champ. The leaves are waxy and bright, and benefit from a quick dusting now and again to retain their shine. This plant, too, will help purify the air in your home.


Perhaps the most popular plant at the moment, Monstera does not require much light to survive (though it will benefit from and grow better if placed in indirect sunlight). Monstera likes to make a big statement, so put it in a place in your home where it will have lots of space to spread its leaves. Water about once a week, when the soil is fairly dry. 

Staghorn Fern

The first thing to know about Staghorn Fern is that it definitely needs humidity. Staghorn Fern is an epiphytic plant – meaning it grows by attaching itself to the branches of other plants. This means that Staghorn Ferns do not need to be potted, but can be mounted on a plaque, placed in a shadow box, or hung in a moss ball. In Colorado, the best bet for a Staghorn Fern is to place it in a bathroom with indirect natural light. There it will be kept warm and have the best option for the humidity it needs to survive.          

Orange Prince

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You might have seen the Mile Marker boards that parents create for their children – they highlight things like the height, weight, likes, and dislikes of their child at various stages of life. We at Nick’s Garden Center think Plant Parents should have something like this for their Plant Babies as well! Our Plant Parent Chalkboard Photos and blogs will provide you with an overview of what each plant needs in order to “grow up” happy and healthy!

Orange Prince is a relatively new plant on the houseplant scene. Discovered in the early 2000s, this philodendron has made a name for itself with its incredible coloring. It’s signature leaves start out yellow, warm up to a bright orange, and then before turning green develop a dark tint turning the leaves a copper color. These leaves grow from the center of the plant, unlike most philodendrons whose leaves grow along a trailing vine. Typically, Orange Prince Philodendron (whose name has many variations) can grow to be up to 3 feet tall and wide.

Orange Prince is very easy to care for, and has minimal requirements when it comes to its environment. It can handle everything from bright indirect light to shade, and will tolerate artificial light, as well. Watch your plant for fading colors, as this is a sign that it is getting too much sun (some plants fade in the sun much like some hair colors will lighten in the sun). Take caution when placing Orange Prince when it comes to pets as it is not a pet safe plant.

Water Orange Prince when the top two inches of soil are dry, and take care not to overwater, or to let the plant sit in water. Use the “Drench and Drain” method of watering. This means you will let the water pour over the soil and run out the bottom for a few minutes before turning the water off and allowing excess water to flow out of the bottom of the pot. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water in a tray or saucer as this can cause root rot. If your pot does not have drainage in the bottom, use a Moisture Meter to detect the level of moisture in the bottom of the pot both before and during watering to avoid adding too much water. If you do add too much water, gently tip the pot to the side and allow excess water to run out, but take care not to allow the soil to run out of the pot.

A Cactus and Succulent soil is a great option for Orange Prince as it will allow the roots plenty of room to breathe, and allow excess water to run out of the soil quickly. As mentioned above, a pot that is well draining is important, but no other precautions need to be taken when choosing a pot. Rotate Orange Prince regularly to encourage regular and even growth, and take a damp cloth to the leaves every now and then to keep them glossy and free of dust. Keep Orange Prince within a temperature range of 65-80. Overall this plant is very tough and only really at risk of being overwatered. We think it’s a great plant for beginner Plant Parents.

Happy Plant Parenting!

Monstera Minima

By | Blog Post, House Plants, House Plants Beginner, Low Sunlight, Medium Sunlight | No Comments

You might have seen the Mile Marker boards that parents create for their children – they highlight things like the height, weight, likes, and dislikes of their child at various stages of life. We at Nick’s Garden Center think Plant Parents should have something like this for their Plant Babies as well! Our Plant Parent Chalkboard Photos and blogs will provide you with an overview of what each plant needs in order to “grow up” happy and healthy!

A native of Southern Thailand and Malaysia, Monstera MInima is a compact version of the popular Monstera Deliciosa. With similarly shaped leaves of a smaller size, this vining plant grows sideways, but can be trained to grow upward. Unlike Deliciosa, Minima’s leaves show cuts at a “young” age Monstera Minima is a rapid grower, and the vines will typically grow to between 6 and 12 feet in a growing season. This member of the Aracae family is also known as Dwarf Monstera, Monstera Ginny, and Mini Monstera, and its scientific name is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.

Monstera Mimina likes bright, indirect light and will tolerate some lower light. Plant Monstera Minima in well-draining soil with plenty of aeration, and plant it in a pot that also has plenty of drainage. As with most houseplants, Monstera Minima does not like for its roots to sit in wet soil. If your pot does not have a drainage hole, we recommend a moisture meter that will help you test the moisture level at the bottom of the pot before watering. In general, you’ll want to let the first inch or so of soil dry out before watering, but don’t let the soil get completely dry.

Monstera Minima is not pet safe, but it is known to be air cleaning. For both of these reasons, it’s a great plant to hang and train to “crawl” across a ceiling or wall, out of the reach of your furry friends. You can use any type of pin or hook to train the plant by resting the vines on the hooks or pins as they grow.

Keep Monstera Minima in a place out of reach of vents and drafts at around 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Monstera minima can tolerate dry air, but it prefers a little humidity. Try adding a humidifier to the room your Monstera lives in, or putting the Monstera in a bathroom with a sunny window. Overall, Monstera is fairly easy to care for, so beginners shouldn’t have much trouble.


Happy Plant Parenting!