Eight Indoor Plants That Can Tolerate Low Light

By December 8, 2022Blog Post

Being a plant parent is a lot of work; keeping a plant alive and healthy requires commitment and patience. Worry no more if you are afraid of growing houseplants simply because a particular room has insufficient light. Even if your room does not have big windows that allow sunlight, you can still grow indoor plants. Below are eight indoor plants that perform well under little to no sunlight and how to care for them. 


This is a plant with an upright architectural shape. Snake plants need little attention and can grow up to 3 feet long and 36 inches wide. It prefers to grow in partial shades and can thrive for years. Due to their succulent nature, the plant is sensitive to overwatering. Before adding water to the plant, ensure that the soil is dry. Because of its toxic nature, keep the plant away from pets.

2.    POTHOS

Pothos, a Southeast Asia native, is a trailing plant that can grow up to 10 feet long. Pothos is very tolerant of dark interiors and works well in hanging vases. It grows its vines even in adverse conditions, which makes it perfect for indoors with little light. Pothos comes in various colors, including yellow-green, white-green, and dark green. Water the plant only when the soil is dry. Pothos are poisonous, so keep them away from children and pets. When handling it, ensure you have gloves on, as the sap can cause a rash on sensitive skin.

3.    ZZ PLANT

ZZ plant prefers bright indirect sunlight. The plant can tolerate even fluorescent light in your home. If you travel frequently, this is the plant to get. It can tolerate dry conditions. Its glossy leaves and upright stem, which grow up to 3 feet tall, make it excellent for a poorly lit room. Before watering a ZZ plant, check the moisture level by sticking your finger in the soil. If the soil is still wet, wait a few more days before watering. 


You can never go wrong with this low-maintenance plant. Ensure you consistently prune dead leaves and place the plant in a room with indirect sunlight. Watering should only be done once a week when the soil is completely dry. A natural way to fertilize the rubber plant is to hydrate it with leftover water from boiled eggs. 


The plant is incredibly easy to grow and care for. Ensure you water once a week and prune any leaves that have aged. When potting an oyster plant, tuck a damp sponge at the bottom of the pot before filling it with soil. This will ensure that it does not dry out too quickly. 


Boston ferns love humidity. It survives best in a room that is kept cool. Therefore, mist them often to reduce leaf drop. Water the plant occasionally until you notice new fronds, then increase its water supply. Only apply fertilizer during the active growing seasons, i.e., spring to fall. Boston ferns can be fussy in winter. 


Monstera is a houseplant known for its large split leaves. The plant is excellent for creating a tropical getaway in your home. Monstera grows so quickly, so ensure that you place it in a spot with plenty of space. It is recommended to report the plant once a year to freshen the soil and promote growth. Fertilize a monstera once a month during spring. 


The peace lily is a nice addition to your indoor plant collection. Also known as the closet plant, it is excellent for purifying the air. Peace lily can tolerate a lack of light and water. Keep the plant away from direct sunlight. For more flowers, expose the plant to a brighter part of the room. Repotting a peace lily is best just before the growth begins, especially in spring. 


Nick Garden Center is your go-to plug if you are considering purchasing your first indoor plant. Contact us today if you want to add life to your house. 


Author buhv

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