Ground Cover Shrubs for Colorado Climates
At Nick’s we carry a wide variety of ground cover shrubbery that is suited for Colorado’s dry climate. Ground cover shrubs will add depth and character to your existing landscaping. We have the best selection in the Denver area, including speciality and hard-to-find species.
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help find the right ground cover for your home and landscaping project.

Ground Cover Shrubs for Colorado Climates Include:
Spreading Juniper

Spreading Juniper
Junipers are a landscapers favorite to cover large areas with low growing shrubbery. Junipers are notoriously rugged plants that are tolerant of heat, drought, poor soil conditions, and even some foot traffic.
Coral Beauty Cotoneaster

Coral Beauty Cotoneaster
This low growing variety of Cotoneaster boasts prolific white flowers that give way to red berries and provide long-lasting interest during the growing season. They grow fast and cover ground quickly.
Pawnee Buttes Sand Cherry

Pawnee Buttes Sandcherry
A Colorado native, this variety of Sandcherry stays low to the ground, only growing about 18” tall. It is excellent for ground cover because a single plant can spread up to 6’. Like other Sandcherries, this shrub is drought tolerant and is easy to grow. It blooms with fragrant white flowers in the late Spring and glossy green foliage turns a mahogany red in the Fall.
Availability of ground cover shrubbery varies throughout the year so contact Nick’s to see what we have in stock. We can help you find the perfect ground cover to complement your patio and landscaping.