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2001 S. Chambers Road
Aurora CO. 80014
You might have seen the Mile Marker boards that parents create for their children – they highlight things like the height, weight, likes, and dislikes of their child at various stages of life. We at Nick’s Garden Center think Plant Parents should have something like this for their Plant Babies as well! Our Plant Parent Chalkboard Photos and blogs will provide you with an overview of what each plant needs in order to “grow up” happy and healthy!
Abyssinian Euphorbia is known by many common names such as African Milk Tree, Candelabra Cactus, Cathedral Cactus, Friendship Cactus, Good Luck Plant, and Good Luck Cactus. However, Abyssinian Euphorbia, whose scientific name is Euphorbia Trigona and who belongs to the family Euphorbaceae, is actually a succulent! This succulent, native to Africa, displays beautiful tones of green and plum, and can grow to be up to 8 ft tall. They are two or three-sided, and each of their vertical ridges is lined with spikes, between which grow small tear-shaped leaves. Abyssinian Euphorbia is not air cleaning, and will not flower, but its spikes, coloring, and delicate leaves make up for these deficits!
While it can withstand very brief cold temperatures, Abyssinian Euphorbia prefers temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Bright, indirect sun will keep it happiest, but watch for brown “burn” spots indicating the plant is getting too much direct sun. When potting Abyssinian Euphorbia, shallow roots will allow the use of a more shallow pot, but any shaped pot with good drainage will work too. If your pot does not have a drainage hole at the bottom, line the bottom of the pot with rocks before adding your plant, and use a moisture meter to check saturation levels before watering.
Cactus and Succulent soil will work best for Abyssinian Euphorbia. Water when the soil has dried almost completely – over watering a succulent can lead to root rot, and can cause these shallow-rooted plants to begin to tip over as they get taller. Pour water into the soil until it begins to run out of the drainage hole, and then remove any excess water from the tray (a little leftover water is fine, as long as it evaporates quickly). If your pot does not have drainage, you’ll have to take extra care in how much water you use.
Abyssinian Euphorbia is relatively easy to care for, so we are rating it as a beginner level plant. It is a striking addition to any Plant Parent’s collection, but keep it away from any other children – two or four legged – in your home. The sap excreted from cuts made to Abyssinian Euphorbia is poisonous and can also be an irritant. Wear gloves if you will be making cuts to this succulent for any reason, and discard any sap safely.